Category: Poems

  • The old maple tree had endured many seasons



    The old maple tree had endured many seasons. Its leaves were discolored and fragile, threatening to float away with each gust of wind. But still it stood, towering above the small garden it had watched grow for over a century. When the small boy found the tree that afternoon, its branches were bare and its…

  • The clouds were dense and dark as rain fell softly in the forest

    The clouds were dense and dark as rain fell softly in the forest



    The clouds were dense and dark as rain fell softly in the forest. Under the boughs of a great oak tree, a Robin huddled, keeping dry. As night fell, the Robin heard a small cry. Nearby in the brush, a baby squirrel had fallen from its nest. Though hungry and cold, the Robin flew to…

  • The old willow tree stood alone on the hill

    The old willow tree stood alone on the hill



    The old willow tree stood alone on the hill, its branches swaying gently in the breeze. Though alone, it watched over the valley below, protecting the little village tucked within from harsh winds and storms. One morning, a small sparrow with a broken wing appeared at the base of the tree. It chirped weakly, unable…

  • Rosie woke with the sunrise

    Rosie woke with the sunrise



    Rosie woke with the sunrise, stretching her arms out wide as the morning light poured through her window. She loved this time of day, when the world seemed full of possibility and promise. After a quick breakfast, she got to work in her garden, pulling weeds and watering the seedlings she had planted just days…