Author: SleepAdmin

  • Pain is a part of life



    You can’t spend the rest of your life living in the FEAR of getting hurt and call that a life… Pain is a part of life, sorry but this isn’t the last time people will hurt you. Human relationships aren’t perfect. If all you do is build a WALL to protect yourself from getting hurt,…

  • You’re going to realize it one day that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship



    You’re going to realize it one day that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you; it was never about being like the others. One day, you’re going to see it that happiness…

  • I wish nothing but the best for you, but in the end, I’m glad you’re happy



    Hey since we’re not texting like we used to, I don’t know about your day, I don’t know what you’re going through anymore.I miss the moments when we share everything about our life, I wish nothing but the best for you, but in the end, I’m glad you’re happy.

  • Don’t be afraid to dream



    People around you may be unsure of their abilities and, because of this, ridicule any bold goals of others. But this is no reason to be modest. Dream big and believe in your capabilities. This will keep you motivated to succeed and inspire others to take action.

  • I know that it feels like your entire life is hanging on certain decisions



    I know that it feels like your entire life is hanging on certain decisions. That moving forward feels terrifying because you don’t want to make the wrong choice. That you can’t make the wrong choice. Because if you do if you walk down this path and things don’t work out your entire life will fall…

  • I’m so proud of you just for sticking around



    I’m so proud of you just for sticking around. I know this world can be such a cruel place sometimes; that’s why you’re so courageous simply by waking up each day and braving what’s ahead. Know that your best moments are still waiting for you down the line and there are so many people who…

  • You cannot be everything to everyone



    You cannot be everything to everyone. You cannot be nice and kind all the time. You cannot be spot on and right always. There is nothing constant about us as humans and that’s okay. It’s okay if someone finds you irritating, it’s okay if you are not cool enough for the party, it’s okay if…

  • Problems are part of life, they will never stop coming



    Problems are part of life, they will never stop coming. There seems unbearable when we have no control over it, when we are unable to cope with the pain and the fear. We can’t control everything in our lives. The thing we can only control is our attitude toward any situation. So the problem is…

  • Your Own Way



    If you know exactly where and why you’re going, you shouldn’t care what OTHERS might think of you. This is hard to achieve because you have been taught to conform to someone else’s idea of normality from childhood. But it is possible in case you have enough courage to go through the breaking of the…

  • What’s done is done



    What’s done is done. What’s happened has already happened. Maybe it was wonderful. Maybe it wasn’t. But, regardless, I can’t keep opening up old wounds. I can’t keep picking at scars ready for them to bleed. I can’t keep opening up my heart until all of it has dissolved right in front of me.