One day, you’ll realize that not everyone is replaceable



I know, one day you’ll look back and realize that you should have tried. You’ll remember the love in her eyes, the warmth of her touch, the sound of her voice that once made your heart race. But by then, it will be too late. She will have moved on, healed from the scars, and found joy in her own life. She won’t need you to make her smile anymore. And as you watch her from a distance, thriving and happy, you’ll regret letting her go. You’ll realize that you had something precious, something irreplaceable, and you let it slip through your fingers.

You will realize that you should have fought for her but it now it’s too late. You will see her laugh. You’ll see the glow on her face and hear her voice once again. It will hit you that you shouldn’t have left her when she was begging for you to come back. Her face will remind you of the hurt you gave her and that’s when you’ll hear your heart shatter.

That’s when you’ll feel what you’ve lost because she would have learned how to be herself again. She’d have learned how to pick her pieces and leave. You will wish that you had a chance to hold her once again but she will be so full of life to accept your half love. One day, you’ll realize that not everyone is replaceable.

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